상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Korean Grammatical Terms / 한국어 문법 용어


by Teacher Joy 2022. 10. 28. 19:50


Term Korean Term Meaning
Noun 명사 A word that names an object, person or place
Action verb (=verb) 동사 A word that tell you what someone or something does
Descriptive verb (=adjective) 형용사 A word that describes what someone or something is
Adverb 부사 A word that describes how something is done
Pronoun 대명사 A shorthand for a noun
Directional verb - A word that describes the action of going or coming
Past tense 과거 시제 -
Present tense 현재 시제 -
Future tense 미래 시제 -
Passive verb 피동사 A verb that describes what is done to something else
Causative 사동사 A verb that describes the action of making something happen
Statement 서술문 A sentence ending in a period that neither orders nor suggests anything to anyone else
Question 서술문 A sentence that asks for information and ends with a question mark
Command 명령문 An order telling someone else to do something
Suggestion 청유문 A suggestion to someone else that they do something



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